Museum of Garden History, London
Thursday 21 September 2006 at the Museum of Garden History
Faye Claridge, Jo Coupe, Tessa Farmer, Paulette Phillips and Uriel Orlow, participating artists in the exhibition Repatriating the Ark, discussed their commissioned work with Parabola in relation to their practice.
Poet Karen McCarthy responded to the Tradescant collection and the newly commissioned artworks with a series of distinctly themed poems that constitutes her own literary wunderkammer.
Actor Jack Klaff read 'Advice to a Son' by Jennifer Potter, purportedly written by John Tradescant Senior as the old man lay dying at South Lambeth. Drawing on material collected for her biography of the Tradescants (Strange Blooms: the curious lives and adventures of the John Tradescants, published by Atlantic Books) Potter's letter distils the old man's philosophy of life and tantalisingly hints at the drama that would eventually engulf ownership of the Tradescant rarities.
Artist Christian Nold presented Emotional Floatsam, the result of walks along the Thames with people who have agreed to have their excitement levels monitored via Nold's Bio Mapping Device.
Artist Richard Dedomenici, a box of wine strapped to his back, invited guests to add to the impromptu private view at Black Cylinder Gallery, a new exhibition space conveniently housed within his wristwatch.
The Artists' talks and performances were supported by Arts Council England, the National Lottery and the Museum of Garden History.